Grovertown 37 - Tyner 38

This game was for the championship of the holiday tourney being held at West High. I believe we were favored to win but--Grovertown had Jim Howard playing for them and with Jim anything could happen. I remember we got ahead of them 5 or 6 points and our coach decided to slow the game down. Somehow or other we lost our momentum and the next thing I knew Tyner was one point down with about 10 seconds to go and I was following Louie Ecker down the floor toward our basket . Louie was fouled before he could drive in for a basket-----I can still remember waiting for him to shoot his foul shot---hoping he would make it and really hoping if he missed the ball would come to my side of the basket. Louie missed---the ball came to my side of the basket---I got the rebound and as I was going up for the shot, I kept wondering if Jim Howard, who had lined up next to me, was going to be able to block my shot. Well, Jim didn't block my shot and I did make it--what a thrill!! Before Grover could hardly get the ball in-bounds, the game was over, and we had won 38 to 37---the gym just erupted with screams, hollering and clapping---a last second, come from behind victory for the tournament championship--a thrill of a lifetime!!

Argos 55 - Tyner 56

Argos had already beaten us 55 to 48 earlier in the year and had also won the county tourney which was quite an accomplishment. So you can see Tyner was rated as the underdog. About the only thing I can remember about playing Argos besides the fact that we did beat them and we did play a real good game was that the band played happy birthday for me. It was my 17th birthday and I was a little embarrassed. They even had my girl friend Anna Cochran present me with a great big lolly pop. As I'm writing this I can also remember the band director Mrs, Beverly Crabbs---wow was she ever good looking.

Culver 50 - Tyner 52

Culver was the definite favorite in this match---they always were considered a very strong county team as witnessed by their tough schedule; which included Nappanee, Mishawaka, John Adams, and Michigan City.    When the game started I was really surprised---I absolutely couldn't miss. It soon became apparent to the Culver coach that although I couldn't miss on a field goal attempt, I couldn't seem to hit any free throws. The pattern after that was as soon as Balke gets the ball, foul him before he gets a chance to shoot. In the first three quarters, I was playing very well, had 29 points, (the most points I've ever made in a high school game) a lot of rebounds and three fouls. At the start of the fourth quarter with the score 40 to 43 Culver ahead, I got two quick fouls, which to this day I still wonder if they were really fouls, and I fouled out of the game. I was complete ly upset and went to take a quick shower---when I got back to the gym, instead of being 3 points behind, we were 2 or 3 ahead---what a pleasant, pleasant surprise. We hung on to our lead to finally win 50 - 52. Without a doubt, Culver and Argos were the two best teams that Tyner beat in the 1950 - 1951 basketball season.