Someone said Sam Haag's store was north of Karn's store. That was the right place, but it was not Karn's store yet. It had to be Strang's store, you mentioned 1939, well that is the year Stanley Karn and Verda Haag graduated from high school(both were in my class). I believe by the time they had the store there, La Munions had the place that was Nate Baker's Hardware store.

Firn and Maud Myers had a store in the building where Sam Haag has his store. Mrs. Balding lives there now. When Myers had the store, they lived in it for a while then moved up the street to the place where Willard Burkholder lives now. Several others had a store in that place after Sam left. Ira Neiswonger and Carl Stoneburner each had it for a while.

There has been much commentary about the pickle factory. Someone mentioned that the original pickle factory, down by where Laverne lives now, closed once. I am sure it did not close at one time, but it "closed" permanently when it burnt down in about 1934, I can remember that day very clearly.

Someone mentioned the pickle factory in a building near the old garage. I cannot recall that, unless i t was the one on the property owned by Larry Powell, which was nearer to the house we lived in than to the garage. That building no longer there. I did not recall that Amos Sarber had implements in it, but my Dad stored his implements there, as he rented the property. The people went to Larry and asked about putting the pickle factory in his building, and he told them they would have to asked dad. Dad didn't object. Dad also had an old (but at one time, very nice) rocking chair stored there also, so the men coming there with pickles took advantage of it. One day Dad had been down there and he came home and had Mom go outside and give him a very close inspection, as when he had been sitting in his rocking chair, he discovered it was "alive" with bedbugs and he did not want to take a chance of having brought any home!! I do not know how long after that it was he actually burned the chair to get rid of the bugs.

About the feed sacks, when Katherine was a very small child, I had quite a few dresses made from them. They were very pretty prints. But on the spur of the moment, I cannot recall accurately if they were from flour or feed sacks. I believe the flour sacks were white and made into dish towels, table cloths , probably bed sheets, more often than into clothes. You can still buy dish towels made from flour sacks, and even buy some of the sacks themselves, from a store in Vermont.

I can remember the first automobile I ever saw, and exactly where it was. But the strange thing about it is that I cannot remember the first airplane I ever saw. But stranger than that, I cannot recall the first time I ever rode in a car! I suppose it was my eldest sister's model T.

I just remembered something else you will probably laugh at.. I can remember the first money I ever earned. I was about 4 or 5 years old, my eldest sisters' boyfriend (whom she later married), gave me a dime to sit on his lap - I was a very shy child, really, even though that may be hard for any of you to believe if you knew me in later years! And now I live alone and have to do most of my "talking" by e-mail...or to myself or my cat! My cat's name is Vitamin K, a strange name for a cat?? If you are interested in how he got that name, you can ask Randy Burkholder, because he named him! I can also remember riding in a rumble seat at least once, maybe more but not so memorable. It was a Sunday morning, my Mom, Winnie and I went to Winona Lake with Rev. Tillman, pastor of the church. We went to conference. I had a brand new hat, (how well I remember that hat), it was a pill box type, bright green and covered with matching green sequines. Beautiful!! When we were only a few rods onto road 30 (from the Plymouth/Laporte Trail), a rather high wind hit us, and you guessed it......there went my my beautiful hat and of course I have never seen it since then. I'm not sure I ever again rode in a rumble seat after that, except to come home that day. And I never wanted to either!! I never did tell my mother about losing my hat and she apparently never missed it, as she never asked about it. And just now as I thought about it, I realized Winnie never mentioned it to me, so she must not have seen it blow away!! But I often wondered, any time I have ever gone past that spot (hundreds of times) , I have always wondered if anyone ever found it!

I just remembered another time I rode in a rumble seat. It was a Sunday afternoon, a neighbor girl and her cousin came over and asked me to go riding with them. He and I sat in the rumble seat. I t was the first time he and I had met. Two of my sisters and probably both my brothers at home then, hid in the lilac bushes when we came back from the ride, so they could listen to whatever he and I said to each other!! Older brothers and sisters can be so ornery!! But at least noone can say that I was ornery to younger siblings...since I never had any!!

Some time ago, there was quite a discussion about the Boyd school. Yesterday while I was looking through some old snapshots, I found a picture of the Boyd school. The date is not on it, but I believe that 1927 was the first year there was any school there. If any of you are interested in seeing this picture, maybe Rodger would put it on here for you.

School days really were a long time ago for me! I cannot recall very much about my first grade, except that I was scared to death of the teacher, Ellen Swanson. But I do recall how she taught us right and left, and sometimes I still turn in that direction to get my bearings.

I can recall several things about my second grade teacher, maybe because she went to the same church that I did so I already knew her. she was Ruth Hockett, a very pretty woman who loved kids. When anyone got near her she always reached out and put her arms around him or her. And she was always patient and gentle with us. In the closet at the back of the room, there were lots of toys and on rainy days we were allowed to get them out and play with them. I can still see my favorite; it was a tiny record player, about one and a half inches high and on it was a real penny for a record. I also remember the little red hairs we had there in that room, and how she would have a group of kids come up to the front of the room where she would have a class, just for that group. I remember she taught us how to tell time, the letters of the alphabet on flash cards, and different word endings one can make using combinations of the letters. I think that second grade is the only one of my 11 and 3/4 years in school that I was not scared every day......No, that is not quite true. I was not scared those half days that I went back after I had already graduated in the spring!!! Nobody cared whether I studied or not, and I did not have to take the final exam, but I did just to show that I could. I hated geometry class, I did not care for the teacher nor the subject and I never did learn how to do the work except one thing which I have still not forgotten; the shortest distance between two points is a straight line!! I could learn the rules, just never learned how to apply them. I remember when final exams came along, I looked at those papers and knew I would fail as I could not do them. Noone told me this was confession time, so I guess I better stop, then I can continue to live with my good reputation, whether it fits me or not!!!

This is not especially Tyner stuff, but there is something in the Marshall County Museum that might be of interest to you, but it is kept hidden away from the light. My grandfather Andrews papers from the Civil War are all there. If you have never seen anything of this kind, you might be interested but you would have to ask to see them. These are the real thing, not copies, so they are well over 100 years old..