Since writing for public journal is one of the necessities of this progressive age, your correspondent could not well keep silent any longer. every city, village and community has a history; and this history should be read and carefully studied.But ere we commence our history of the sayings and doings of the good people's of Tyner City and vicinity, we must inform you that we are all having a big sweat in this "neck of woods".

From certain unmistakable indications, we are warranted in saying that for a few days past, the weather has been decidedly warm. Old Sol riding high over us poor mortals in the power of his calorific glory, and in order to try our morals as well as the tenacity of our mortal bodies, has been and at this moment is, pouring upon us his scorching rays without any regard whatever to our feelings or comfort.

The fact is, Mr. Editor, these dog days are most doggedly hot. But thanks to the changing seasons, they are slowly passing by; and soon the majestic monarch will leave us to enjoy the comforts and luxuries of Autumnal breezes.

And now for a few facts and items in regard to Tyner City. And first, so far as I can learn, the health of the city is moderate--a few cases of abdominal derangements giving the patients more uneasiness in the gastric regions, than the doctors have respecting their convalcacence.

The saloons are, financially in a healthy condition--doing well at least for themselves. And yet, Mr. Editor, you must not infer that we all get drunk. No, sir, we possess the faculty of knowing just how much of the 'critter' our 'inards' demand to keep our bread-baskets(stomachs) in a healthy condition, and our consciences in good running order.

We seldom get out of our perpendicularity; though now and then the heat without the fire within somewhere about the knee joints, where their action conjointly upon the 'Synovial fluid,' produces a decided weakness of the motor muscles; thence running up the vertebral column, terminates in the cerebrum and cerebellum(brain) causing what is generally known as the sun stroke by proxy.

Such was the condition of a poor fellow we passed lying on the grass along the RR a few days ago. He had a powerful stroke and a tolerable sized bottle by his side. He muttered something, incoherently; and I passed on hoping the stroke would not prove fatal.

The trade in Huckleberries still continues quite actively. I presume most of your readers are aware that Tyner City is the great Huckleberry Emporium of Marshall County. About three miles northwest is located what is known as the 'Big Marsh'. In this marsh the berries grow and everyday, hundreds of men, women and children are wading through it gathering the berries. In the center of the marsh is an acre or two of solid ground, more elevared than the rest, on which is a nice grove. This is called the 'Stamping ground'. Here the eager multitude come every evening, or morning with their berries, and find a ready market. A kind of eating and drinking saloon is kept here for the accommodation of the 'pickers'.

Curiosity prompted your correspondent to visit this locality. when I arrived at the borders of the marsh, a scion of humanity met me, lugging a basket of berries in each hand.

"Any more left in there?" I asked.
"Thunder yes!" replied the Sprig,"wagon loads".
"Any snakes in there?'
"Snakes don't migrate to this locality,"
but continued he,
"see here stranger, you'll find hornets by the millions."

I passed into the marsh, and found the bushes loaded with the nice luscious berries. But to me, this marsh had other attractions. It too, has a history, not less wonderful than that in the neighborhood of the lake Lerna in the Peloponnesus, fabled as being the habitat of the hundred-headed Serpent.

Thousands of years ago, ere the foot of man had pressed the soil, this now thicket of bush and weeds, could no where be seen. Nor indeed any portion of land as far as to Lake Michigan on the north, and the Gulf of Mexico in the south, save here and there some higher portions of land, which then existed as shoals or low flat islands. A change came over this continent. The great valley of the mississippi was formed, leaving the country bare save here and there numerous lakes of greater or less extent, and finally in the course of time through the processes of geological change the present marsh, with its thick growth of tamarack and berry bearing bushes came into existence.

But I did not design to make this communication in any degree geological; hence I will say no more on this point, at this time.

In conclusion, permit me to say that we are having lively times in our village with the prospect of yet more lively in time to come, all of which you shall have due notice.